Mr. Leonard Corwin, formerly of Patterson Road, recently presented the Hamden Historical Society with three pieces of antique furniture from the Corwin family before he and his wife relocated to a new home.
Hamden Historical Society president Ken Minkema accepted with the Society's gratitude an 18th century cradle, 19th century Windsor bowback chair, and a 19th century splint-seated side chair, all from Mr. Corwin's family, whose New England roots go back to the 17th century.
The members of the Hamden Historical Society extend our sincere thanks to Mr. Corwin for his generosity, and wish him and his wife well in their new home in Buffalo, New York.
HHS president Ken Minkema and Leonard Corwin are pictured here with Mr. Corwin's donations |
Corwin family's 18th century cradle and 19th century Windsor bowback chair |