Abby Lane – Reniew Rd. W to end; Mix District; on 1966 plat Perhaps named for a relative of one of the developers of Adla Homes; see Adla Dr.
Addison Road – Quaker Rd. E to Franklin Rd.; East Side; on 1944 plat
Cecil C. Addison (1905-1979) is buried in Whitneyville Cemetery. The street was in the Ridge Road Farms subdivision.
Adla Drive – Howard Dr. N to end; Mix District; on 1968 plat
Adla Homes, Inc. was the name of the investment group which developed this street and others in the Rolling Brook Estates subdivision, an acronym of its principals: former mayor William Adams, Denitale, Lee, and Athan.
Albert Road – West Side Dr. N and W to Pleasant Dr.; Pine Rock; on 1946 plat
It was in the Wintergreen Acres development built on property of Albert Swanson.
Albertson Road – Pearl Av. SW to end; Hamden Plains; on 1917 plat
Floyd Albertson was listed as an electrician living in West Haven (then part of Orange) in the 1920 census. The street was in the Pearl Park subdivision, which had three other short dead-end streets extending south of Pearl Av.: Slater, which was renamed Dallas; and Dewey and Ramsley, which were never built.
Alenier Street – Wooding St. N to Helen St.; Hamden Plains; on 1923 plat
It was built on property of Harry J. Alenier.
Allene Drive – Corbin Rd. W, SW, W to Hepburn Rd.; East Side; on 1951 plat
Peter Lago, foreman of a construction company, and his daughter Allene were listed as living on Arlington Street in West Haven in the 1950 census. The street was in the Hepburn Ridge subdivision built by Hamden Development Corporation.
Alling Street – Saint Mary St. W to Dixwell Av.; Highwood; on 1868 map
House of N. Alling was near the present corner of Fairview Av. and North St. on the 1868 Beers map of Hamden, about half a mile from the street. The street is shown, unnamed, on that map, and named Allen St. on the 1868 Beers map of New Haven. Dozens of other Allings are buried in Hamden, mostly in Hamden Plains Cemetery but none with first initial N.
Alstrum Street – Cherry Ann St. N to Arch St.; Highwood; on 1868 map
James Alstrum (1845-1926) served in the Civil War, and is buried in Hamden Plains Cemetery, along with several other Alstrums. Jack Alstrum was the first soldier in the Spanish-American War from Hamden [Gary Merwede on social media]. It was labeled Prospect St. on the 1868 Beers map of New Haven.
Amherst Street – James St. N to Norwood Av.; Mount Carmel; on 1912 plat
Amherst is a town in Massachusetts named for Jeffery Amherst, British field marshal who was sympathetic to the American cause in the Revolutionary War.
Amos Street – Hillfield Rd.W to end, continuing W as paper street to paper Friend St.; West Woods; on 1973 plat
Amos Peck died in the Revolutionary War.
Andover Road – Choate Av. to Deerfield Dr.; West Woods; on 1965 plat
Phillips Academy is a preparatory school in Andover, Massachusetts. This street, the streets between which it runs, and Exeter Rd., and Hotchkiss Ln., also all named for schools, are in the Academy Hill subdivision.
Andrew Street – Peck Ln. S to paved end, then E to Friend St. as a paper street; West Woods; on 1972 plat
Corporal Andrew Peck (1835-1863) died in the Civil War. Shown as Andrews Rd. on some maps.
Ann's Farm Road – Evergreen Av. W and N to Read Rd. opposite Biehl Rd; Mount Carmel; on 1969 plat
It was in the Orchard Farm development built by Anna Raccio, whose farmhouse still stands on its southwest corner of Evergreen Av.
Apple Tree Lane – Kelly Rd. E to Shepard Av.; West Woods; on 1958 plat
Many orchards appear in the area in an 1934 aerial photo, which may have included apple trees.
Applewood Lane – Eaton Woods Rd. SW to end; Private; West Woods; on 1986 plat
Apple trees may have been near it, one of the streets in the Eaton Woods development, all of which have wood in their names.
Arcadia Avenue – Battis Rd. N to Arents Rd.; Hamden Plains; on 1924 plat
Arcadia, California is a suburb of Los Angeles, named for a region of Greece. The street originally extended to Highwood Av. and then followed the route of the current Harrison Dr. to Cherry Hill Rd. It was truncated when Wilbur Cross Pkwy. was built.
Arch Street – Dixwell Av. W and NW to Pine Rock Av.; State Route 10 from Dixwell Av. to Fitch St.; Highwood, Pine Rock; on 1868 map
It is in the shape of a flattened, inverted arch.
Ardmore Street – Whitney Av. W to Greenway St.; Spring Glen; on 1917 plat
Ardmore is an unincorporated suburb of Philadelphia. Haverford St. is nearby and Ardmore and Haverford are consecutive stops on a Philadelphia commuter rail line. Both streets were developed by Harry T. Bodwell of Cranston, RI.
Arents Road - Circular Av. NW to Battis Rd.; Hamden Plains; on 1949 plat
Kenneth C. Arents died in World War II.
Armory Street - Whitney Av. W to Prospect St.; Whitneyville; shown on 1852 map, named on 1870 map
Eli Whitney's gun factory nearby was referred to as an armory.
Armstrong Street – State St. opposite Park Rd. E to Welton St.; East Side; on 1895 map
Easter Elizabeth Armstrong, (1831-1911) is buried in Central Burying Ground. It was called Edmond St. on a 1911 map of New Haven. Armstrong is the name of a tire company, as is Atlas, the name of a parallel street, but both companies were founded after the streets were named.
Ash Drive - Gate Way S and W to Shepard Av.; West Woods; on 1973 plat
In keeping with the practice in many places of naming streets for trees, ash trees may have grown in the area.
Aspen Circle - Hamden Hills Dr. SW to end; Centerville; in 2001 directory
Aspen is a city in Colorado known for its ski resort, with aspen trees common in that area. The street is very short, essentially a cul-de-sac directly on Hamden Hills Dr. Its developer may have suggested the surrounding hilly terrain resembles the ski resort.
Athol Place - Whitney Av. W to Gordon St.; Spring Glen; on 1896 plat
Athol is a town in Massachusetts named by its founder John Murray after his Scottish hometown of Blair Atholl, which means New Ireland. The area around the street originally had many people of Irish ancestry. It was part of the Whitney Park development done by Robert Hall of Boston.
Atlas Street – State St. E to Welton St.; East Side; on 1926 plat
Atlas was a Titan of Greek mythology, often depicted holding a celestial sphere, later a globe, on his shoulders. See nearby Armstrong St.
Augur Street – Whitney Av. W to end past Remington St.; shown on 1868 map, named on 1872 plat
James Augur (1795-1873) is buried in Whitneyville Cemetery. In census records, he was listed as a mechanic in 1850, a shoe dealer in 1860, and a farmer in 1870.
Austen Road – Evergreen Av. E to Hampton Rd.; Centerville; on 1947 plat
William Henry Austen (1838-1900) is buried in Central Burying Ground along with two others with the surname.
Autumn Ridge Road – Paradise Av. W, S, W, S, W to Dunbar Hill Rd. where it turns from N to W; Dunbar Hill; on 1992 plat
It ascends the ridge from Paradise Av. to Dunbar Hill Rd. Its developer may have suggested it would be especially attractive in autumn.