We offer the services of our staff in answering your requests for information. As many of our records are handwritten and/or hard to read and only our general subject areas are indexed, all searches require time. There will be nominal charges for copying or scanning material; and a donation to the Historical Society is not only appropriate but also much appreciated.
Examples of a request for specific information:
- What are the founding date and governing board members of the Hamden Free Public Library.
- I’d like to find the the burial records of my great-grandparents, William and Anna Hudson. William died in 1881 and Anna died in 1900.
- What types of information do you have on the Dickerman family?
- Do you have any photos of J. Walter Basset?
- We cannot always respond to requests for broader, general searches. In these instances our staff can give you guidance as you perform the research yourself.
Examples of general information:
- Can you provide all records on a certain surname or all records on a certain family?
- Can you provide all records dealing with a large time span or within a general locality?
- Can you send me information on the Webb family in the 1800′s?
- What can you tell me about the history of Sleeping Giant?
To facilitate your request, please supply as much of the following as possible:
- approximate dates (within 10 years) of the event
- locations (neighborhoods) where the subject(s) lived
- background of the family members or organization and other relevant information.